Schizostachyum lumampao (Blanco) Merr.
Lumampao, bokawi, boho (Tag.); babakan (Tag.); book (Bik., Tag.); bolo (Ibn., Ilk., ang., P. Bis., Tag.); bulo (Ibn.); Caña del boho (Sp.); dato (Bik.); napnap (Ilk.); oras (Bik.); bulu (Ibn.); vulu (It.).
Schizostachyum lumampao (Blanco) Merr.)
Bambus lumampao Blanco, 1st ed. Fl. Filip. (1837) 272.
Clumps about 2-3 m in diameter, with more or less 200 culms. Culms more or less, glabrous, 10-11 m tall. Nodes with appressed brown hairs. Internodes hollow, green, 60-90 cm long, 3.0-5.5 cm in diameter, wall up to 1 cm thick at first internode, as thin as 0.17 cm at top. Culm sheaths tardily deciduous to persistent, up to 2 cm long x 22. 5 cm wide at base, outer surface covered with yellowish sharp hairs, inner surface shiny, glabrous; auricles indistinct; ligule ciliated; blade reflexed, falling, lanceolate, up to 25 cm long, base 0.7-1.4 cm wide, inner and outer surfaces shortly pubescent, hairs mostly caducous. Branches arising at upper nodes first very profuse when injured (up to 80). Leaves as many as 8 on each branch, linear-lanceolate, 20-35 cm long x 3-4 cm wide, base obtuse, margins weakly scabrous, tips acute to acuminate, leaf sheaths 7.5-8.0 cm long, with caducous prickly hairs: auricle ciliated, cilia up to 8.5 mm, ligule ciliated, cilia to 2 mm long.
In thickets and secondary forests at low and medium altitudes.
Culms bottom, mid and top portion for musical instruments. For making “sawali”, baskets, fences, spears and other articles.
- lumampao can be confused with S. lima, but the former has generally bigger culms in natural habitats.
Science in a creative industry.
The DOST-FPRDI has a Bamboo Musical Instruments Innovation R&D program aimed at improving the quality of locally-made bamboo musical instruments (BMIs) through science and innovative technologies. The program seeks to standardize the production of selected BMIs, develop prototype designs, analyze raw material sources and existing markets, and build a BMI processing facility. In addition, the program aims to document the ethnocultural story behind several BMIs and identify the bamboo species used in BMI production to promote public awareness and appreciation of the cultural importance of these musical instruments. The program is a collaboration with the University of the Philippines and Philippine Normal University for teaching modules and analyzing sound quality and standardization of BMI design. The DOST Grants-in-Aid program provides funding.