
The Bagobo are the predominant inhabitants of the west coast of the Davao Gulf to the mountain ranges of Mt. Apo. They constitute one of the largest groups of indigenous people in southern Mindanao. They are composed of three sub-groups: Tagabawa, Klata or Guiangan, and Obo. Their tribe specialize weaving abaca cloths of earth-toned hues, as well as basket-making trimmed with beads, fibers and horsehair. Making and playing their bamboo musical instruments were learned mostly from family members. These instruments play an important role not only in their celebrations and ceremonies but also in their everyday life. Some of their elders shared that playing these instruments helped them relax or ease away sadness. Each instrument is made with respect. Bamboos for the instruments are only harvested after asking permission and giving thanks to the creator of all things. They also have their way of ensuring that the bamboo they use will not be damaged by insects or fungi by harvesting them only during “dulom” or nights where the moon is cannot be seen in the sky. Instruments are only made when needed or when someone is interested to learn. Although faced with the challenge of their youth being more interested to modern music, some tribe members still try to pass knowledge of their music to their children or even their grandchildren in an effort to keep this part of their culture alive.