
Banda Kawayan Pilipinas (Bamboo Band Philippines) is a unique ensemble of young, talented performers utilizing musical instruments fashioned out of bamboo and other indigenous materials. The group traces its roots from a school-based group established in 1973 by then Philippine College of Commerce (PCC) Laboratory High School principal Gloria R. Talastas and faculty member Prof. Siegfredo B. Calabig. The PCC was eventually renamed Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) and the group has since been known as PUP Banda Kawayan until 2013, when the group celebrated its 40th Anniversary. Banda Kawayan Pilipinas regularly performs in public and private functions and events all over the Philippines and overseas. Its unique musical style has taken the group to international expositions, music festivals and concert tours in Europe, North America, Australia, the Middle East and Asia to promote Philippine culture and tourism and to serve as ambassadors of goodwill. Showcasing its talents, the band has proven time and again that music knows no boundaries.